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Do you love yourself? This was a question we asked ourselves one day and answered, “No.” With more observations, we came to find that the majority of people we knew did not either. Why was that? As children, we are true to ourselves and have the most self-love, doing as we please and being happy with exactly who we are. Then, at one point, something snaps, something becomes disconnected, and we start to change. We begin to see ourselves through a new lens and alter who we are for family, friends, lovers, society, and our own personal demons… At which point do we get pushed so far past the limit and hit rock bottom, only to try revert back to who we once were; to find self-love again.

SELF tackles this journey of loving ourselves. After months of digging, prying, laughing, crying, and, most of all, being honest, we have both made strides in loving who we are. The journey is not over, but it definitely has begun. We hope, as you watch this performance, you allow us to take you on a journey and allow you to truly take a look at who you are and how you treat yourself. Maybe this will be your start to finding self-love.


Created and Performed by

Tori Bertocci and Pasquale Guiducci


Sound Design by              

Jessica Thorne and Koki Lortkipanidze


Lighting Design by

Brittany Diliberto


Promotional Material by

Dallas Tolentino

Igor Dimitry

Brittany Diliberto

Plaidleaf Photography


Vocalists/Voice Over

Jessica Thorne

Erika Bertocci        

Benjamin Cunis


Stage Manager

Trevor Jerome Witcher

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